European Union funded project (April-June ,2017):
Pre-identification of potential EU’s contribution to the Green Economy sector in Ghana through the development of local social-environmental or Eco Enterprises:
Responsibilities: To assess the existing economic potential of the eco-enterprises within the Green Economy sector, its potential and how it can contribute to addressing the main development objectives, challenges and strategies for achieving sustainable development in the country;
European Union Funded Project (2017-2020):
European Union Funded Project: Strengthening the Capacity of Non-State Actors to improve FLEGT and REDD+ process in Western Africa. Ghana: Ivory Coast: Liberia.
European Union Funded Project (Oct.-Dec. 2015)
The aim of the identification mission is to design a set of actions constituting the EU’s support to Civil Society Organizations to be implemented with the resources mobilized under 11th EDF from 2016 to 2020.
USAID –RING PROJECT-Nov. 2014 to Oct.2015
A 60 MILLION USD USAID PROJECT-Resiliencies in Northern Ghana (RING) it is an integrated project and partnership effort under USAID’s Feed the Future initiative designed to contribute to the Government of Ghana’s efforts to sustainably reduce poverty and improve the nutritional status of vulnerable populations. Thematic areas of project include Agriculture & Livelihoods, good governance, Nutrition/WASH.
USAID GHANA: Oct ,2015- July 2017.
Strengthen Digital Green partnerships with World Cocoa Foundation (WCF) under the Bill and Melinda Gate’s Cocoa livelihood program, Grameen Foundation under the USAID ICT challenge fund and IFDC USAID Agriculture technology transfer project along with any new identified partner, while also building direct links with the Government extension machinery – Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MoFA).
Greening Youth Foundation (July 2017-Dec.2017)
- Support the implementation of Conservation Action Plans for Critically Endangered and Endangered species on the IUCN Red List.
- Build a broad constituency of civil society groups working across institutional and political boundaries to achieve common conservation objectives and common areas of investment for eco- enterprises
In partnership with US forest service develops and train forest authorities in Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia on new trends in sustainable environmental management