Green Economy and Eco-Enterprises program development and support services.

  1. To assess how Green Economy can increase trade competitiveness by moving into green markets for the following sectors: agricultural products including seeds production, renewable energy, waste and recycling businesses, forestry/plantation or logging activities, biomass production for alternative solutions (may be extended to other sectors);
  2. To assess the existing economic potential of the eco-enterprises within the Green Economy sector, its potential and how it can contribute to addressing the main development objectives, challenges and strategies for achieving sustainable development in the country

Agribusiness and climate change

  1. Economic analysis regarding the existing eco-enterprises relating to Agriculture and their future development
  2. To assess how Green Economy can increase trade competitiveness by moving into green markets for the following sectors: agricultural products including seeds production, renewable energy, waste and recycling businesses, forestry/plantation or logging activities, biomass production for alternative solutions (may be extended to other sectors).
  3. Develop mechanisms to manage forests in a balanced way for a long term sustainable economic growth, to support livelihoods of local and rural communities through a comprehensive investment appraisals and market needs of green products.
  4. Design activities that increase smallholder agricultural production and market linkages that lead to increased profitability of on-farm enterprises. This includes the development and implementation of upgrading plans in targeted value chains with a focus on improving smallholder crop productivity and net revenues

Forest livelihoods and program design

  1. Conduct policy-relevant research, analysis and outreach that inform and influence the development of national government conservation policies, including on protected area management, payment for ecosystem services, Eco friendly enterprises, REDD+ and ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change.
  2. Develop mechanisms to manage forests in a balanced way for a long term sustainable economic growth, to support livelihoods of local and rural communities through a comprehensive investment appraisals and market needs of green products.
  3. Develop mechanisms to increase coastal resilience through integrated planning and capacity strengthening of local, national and regional frameworks by supporting national adaptation planning process and pilot scale –up effective coastal adaptation strategies.
  4. Lead the transformational change and reforms in climate and adaptation, which will allow scaling up of activities that can be replicated both within the public as well as private sector, with the ultimate aim of reducing the emissions of GHG and other consequences of deforestation in Ghana